What are the key aspects for doing business with Germany and other European countries? How products and technologies can be sold in other regions? What kind of competences are needed for doing international business successfully? These and other questions for successful export marketing are covered in this course. Further, the concept for Integrated Management and Leadership IMLead® is presented as a framework to manage international marketing activities in a structured way.
- Marketing and market planning
- Intra-channel relationship success model
- The 10 key steps for success in exporting
- Digitisation and online marketing & sales
- Fixing the general marketing strategy & strategies to face volatile markets
- Framework for successful marketing & sales based on the IMLead® concept for Integrated Management & Leadership with refer global marketing & sales
- How to do business with Germany
- Discussion
Method Online Training
- Preparation with handouts provided on the learning platform https://eabwlearn.de
- 3 webinars with 1,5 hours duration (optional)
- Examples from industry and check lists
- Discussion
Delivery of Methodology
- One Month - Intensive Online Course (3 Webinars optional for a Group of participants)
Prof. Dr. Bertram Lohmüller, Export-Akademie Baden-Württemberg. For his first degree he studied civil engineering at Stuttgart University. His second degree – a master degree in International Marketing – made Bertram at Reutlingen University. In his first job he worked for 7 years in the construction industry in the areas innovation management and project management. Parallel to his work in industry he made his PhD at Cranfield School of Management (UK) with a thesis about the key drivers of product innovation in German manufacturing industry. Nowadays, he holds a professorship for integrated technology management & leadership at Steinbeis University Berlin.
- Getting clear about the topic global marketing & sales
- Knowing the Intra-channel relationship success model
- Knowing the marketing circle and the key steps for success in exporting
- Learning the seven elements of the IMLead ® concept and link them with key aspects for international marketing
- Knowing the key challenges for doing business with Germany
Target Group
- Students and Working Professionals
- Online | Computer with latest internet browser is required
Course Fee
- Rs. 4250 for a student
- Additional Rs. 4250 for a student for 3 webinars only for min 30 students
- 18% GST/ VAT
- Certificate of participation from Export-Akademie Baden-Württemberg and Steinbeis Academy India.
- Students can decide their own schedule of learning.