Overview digitization:
- Main drivers for digitization, Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things (IoT)
- Overview of digitization technologies
- Cyber-physical systems and artificial intelligence
- External and internal interfaces (touch points) of digitization to the company
- Digitization and new business models
Systemic thinking and acting in digitization projects:
- Scientific work
- Systems and their characteristics
- Human errors of thought
- Systemic thinking and acting
- Design Thinking
- Stakeholder management
- Implementation of complex projects
- Microsystems and macro systems
Leadership competencies for digitization:
- Leadership skills for the digital age
- Mediation and conflict management in the digital age
- Communication and moderation in the digital age
- Personnel management
- Team Management
Transformation management to an agile organization:
- Corporate culture as the basis for an agile organization
- Seven steps to an agile organization
- Transformation in the corporate context according to the IMLead® concept
- Implementation of entrepreneurial and entrepreneurial thinking & acting
The course „Digital Leadership” provides an insight into the complexity of digitization and shows which external and internal interfaces (touch points) must be considered in the future and what influence they have on the generation of new business models. It provides options for tackling complex situations with the right levers and finding sustainable solutions, especially with regard to the multitude of systemic problems of digitization - from relatively simple machine-machine and human-machine interfaces to major organizational and strategic challenges within the company. New "Leadership Competencies for the Digital Age" are taught using the IMLead® concept for Integrated Management& Leadership, in particular with a focus on the fields of mediation and conflict management, communication management and personnel management.
- 6 Months - Online Course - 28 Webinars (14 video sessions plus 14 interactive webinars), Simulation, Self-Study and Transfer Paper (Projects)
- By German Professors.
- Change Through Online to Online
- For Working Professionals
- Computer with latest internet browser is required
- 2000 Euros towards Course Fees (SGIT), only for min 15 students + Rs.40,000 (Registration + Placement Fees) Steinbeis India + 18 % GST (VAT)
- Steinbeis India + Steinbeis Global Institute Tubingen (Steinbeis Academy at University Berlin)
- Students can decide their own schedule of learning.