As per NASSCOM, there was a gap for 1 million cyber security specialists in India
Choose your Specialization : Ethical Hacking / Security Operations
Starts: 4th January, 2023
Course Overview
- To prepare ready to be deployed professionals for the Industry who could work in Security Operations Centre, Security Testing & Cloud Services.
- To provide a platform for the Small and Mid Sized Industry for getting their manpower trained and to manage their cloud services & security systems at the lowest possible cost.
- To provide technological solutions as per the new requirements in mobile communications 5G, Electricity Networks Security, Automotive Security & the latest Innovations in Cloud Technology.
- 6 months program in-parallel to the semister studies. Students shall have to pass an online admission test to join the course.
- Job opportunities for the successful candidates in top companies like Deloitte, E&Y, Airtel, Accenture, Banks, Soffit, Crowe, NxtGen Datacenter & Cloud Technologies etc.
- Class-room training / Virtual
- Cloud based lab, Online and Classroom training, Simulation, Projects, Assessments
- This course will help you to make your career in Ethical Hacking and Security Operations. The program will provide you an opportunity to evolve as an professional cyber security analyst.
- Students and Professionals who would like to become a Certified Cyber Security Professionals while learning how to setup, manage & run workloads on the cloud could apply to this program.
- Minimum Qualification Bachelors in Science, Engineering, Computer Applications or equivalent.
- Participant should ideally have a passion and lots of inquisitiveness. The Cyber Security job requires problem solving attitude, patience and perseverance.
- Indo-German Cyber Security Engineering & Research Center (IGCERC), at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram, Chennai.
- Joint Certification by Steinbeis Global Institute Tubingen – Steinbeis University Berlin, Steinbeis India, SRM University and endorsed by Industrial Partners - Soffit Infrastructure Services Pvt Ltd, NxtGen Datacenter and Cloud Technologies.
- Introduction about Cybersecurity
- Introduction to Cloud Computing & Datacenters
- Cloud Computing Components & Security
- Types of Cloud Deployment, Virtualization & Architecture
- Kubernetes and Containers
- Build, Deploy, Manage & Scale Cloud Infrastructure
- Building, scaling, modifying and deletion of Instance
- Kubernetes Cluster Creation and Worker Node scaling.
- VM Network Configuration
- Basics on Networking – Lab for Network Configuration
- LAN setup
- Firewall Configuration
- Traffic Interception and Capturing
- Basics on Security – Lab on Security Configuration – Firewall, Anti-malware configuration
- Introductions to IT processes and Policies – Industry exposure
- Security Testing
- Vulnerability Assessment Lab
- Network Pen Test Lab
- Web Application Pen Test Lab
- Reporting
- Threat Modelling
- Security Operations
- SIEM Implementation
- SIEM Monitoring
- Incident Response
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For admission and registration, reach to :
Ms. J Sreedevi, Head- Operation, Steinbeis India, Hyderabad
E-Mail : [email protected]
Phone : +91 9059512052
Dr. M Latha, Assistant Professor, Department of IT, SRMIST, Ramapuram, Chennai
E-Mail : [email protected]
Phone : +91 9843974491